Learning Italian in... Tuscany
Learning Italian in... Sardinia

The school is open all year round. It's possible to enrol at any time choosing a course specially tailored to your requirements, answering any needs of studying,working, way of life and leasure time and suited to any level. At Terramare school you will find at any time all the 6 levels (and more) recognized by the Common European Framework for Languages, from the absolute beginners to the advanced up to higher levels of proficiency and technical language.

Winter Integral Course - Special Price (30.09.2024-31.3.2025)
Usually in Orbetello the weather is also fine during winter. Why not take a language courses in low season, learning Italian and enjoying the wonderful landscape at a really special price?   Winter Integral Course = Italian course + activities + accommodation. Offer valid from....
Double offer - Online & Group course (1.1.2025-31.12.2025)
Don’t miss our “Double Offer”:   Subscribe now to our “20 lessons online course” (until 31.12.2025) to receive the following advantages:     a discount of 15% for your online course (510 Euro instead of 600 Euro: https://www.linguaterramare.com/eng/iscrizione-corsi-italiano-online.html    ....
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